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    conceptual Digital Identity Jewellery Jewelry Objects Philosophical Time


A link for every time you look at a clock.

This project was created for a subject called Concepts in 1st year BVA. The criteria was to create an artwork that explored the concept of  Time, and if possible, to include your studio area in the making of the project.

I had a brilliant idea – so I thought! I decided to add a link to a chain every time I looked at a watch or clock over the course of the project. Little did I realize how painful and annoying this would prove!

I kept a diary of the process, and in it recorded all of the thoughts that  the project stimulated. I will publish this diary at the end of this post, but before that I will give a synopsis of the project and the resulting artwork.

Some thoughts on Time, Space and Mortality

Time rules our lives. We make decisions based on time. We have to be places on time, we have to do things by certain times. Is this because of death? If we were immortal, we would have forever to do the business of living. Our priorities would change: we would have forever to learn, to earn wealth, to have pleasure. If we were immortal we could give as much ‘time’ as we desired to those we loved, we could spend ‘as long’ as we chose doing what we disliked, because we would have forever to do other things. And if Time and Space are interrelated, would we also be unbounded physically? Would the universe have a different nature to us if we were immortal?

The Artwork

The artwork that resulted from this process explored ideas that change our perception of Time. The words in white are these concepts. They are placed on the points of the clock, and are in pairs of opposites (diagonally)


Timepiece installed (2008)

The words in gold are two poems about time and around the circumference the statement above under the heading Thoughts…

The poems are as follows:


the breathlessness of expectation
muffled coughs and shuffles
for time

when it occurs
it was really nothing
the performance is all


Got to watch
watch the clock
harder, faster
working faster

Time for a change
pick up the pace
Always faster
working harder

the clock

Time Project Diary

12th August 2008
Began a time project today. Wanted to do something that related to my studio, and thought of making a chain of jump rings. I decided I would add a ring every time I looked at a watch or clock to see the time. I began to do this at 12:54pm on 12/8/08. My intention is to finish at exactly that time next week.
I am carrying a bag of rings and the beginning of the chain in my pocket. Already I am finding it rather annoying, and am trying to avoid looking at the time more than necessary.
This afternoon we had an excursion at the Powerhouse Museum. Nat G. kept on asking me the time (on purpose of course). I told her I didn’t know. I am finding that I feel less rushed as I become less conscious of the passing of measured time. I am now on a bus on my way home. It must be after 4:30 pm, but I’m not sure of the exact time. It feels later, probably because it’s already cold, and the sun is half hidden behind clouds, making it darker than it would usually be at this hour. When I reach the end of the trip I will look at the time and decide whether to wait at the library or whether I have time to go home before heading for my music lesson.
P.S. I discussed the project with some of the girls at the Powerhouse. We agreed it would be good to put a marker at the end of every day. I should put a marker so I know which is the beginning also. I’ll do that tonight. I’ll also have to make a lot of jump rings tonight.
Today I was late for my 6:30 music lesson. The bus didn’t come. I waited for ages. Finally looked at my watch and it was nearly 6:30. The bus came a little while later. I texted my teacher to say I was running late. I got there at 6:50. She said I texted her at 6:40, but I’d thought it was earlier.
Am just nearing the end of the trip. It is 5:15. I will just stop at a coffee shop before catching the 5:50 train to my music lesson. Add another ring.
It’s now late at night. After getting home late, cooking dinner and taking a bit of a break, I’ve been working all night: preparing meals for the next 3 nights as I’ll be at work, doing some preparation for THAP tomorrow, and cutting jump rings. My fingers are quite sore at the joints from holding the small pieces, and the skin from the metal dust. I’ve also cut my finger twice from sawing in less than ideal conditions. I know I’ve cut enough jump rings for tomorrow – at least, I think I have, but definitely not for the week.
I’m sitting in bed writing this. I feel as though I’ve done a lot tonight, because I haven’t been worrying about the time, and thinking I should go to bed soon so I’m not tired in the morning. It’s a strange, free kind of feeling, not worrying about time. I know it must be farily late, because the road next to me is fairly quiet – only the occasional car – it’s usually fairly busy. I can hear noises from far away – the way you only can late at night. I’m just about to set my alarm for the morning. I have the chain on my bedside table so I can put links on when I wake in the morning. I find it ironic that this strange feeling of freedom is symbolized by a chain.
I have just looked at the clock
1:55am. Another ring.

13th August 2008
Have firmly tried not to look at a clock or watch all day. Was late to THAP lecture, but it was quite a change not looking at my watch all through the lecture and tutorial. I think when you look at your watch you’re saying to yourself “this is taking longer than I expected, is it nearly over”.
Had to go to work tonight, and looked at my watch more during the 5 hours I was at work than I did for the rest of the day, This was because I had to change tasks at certain times, also because I didn’t want to miss dinner. Because stopping to put jump rings on a chain would have been a problem at work, I just kept a tally, and put them all on afterwards.

14th August 2008
I’m trying to decide whether I’m more sick of  putting jump rings on a chain or not knowing the time. When I got out of bed (I’d already looked at the clock 4 times), I felt like I had all the time in the world. It was a false impression. I got to the train much later than I’d intended – fortunately I didn’t have to wait long for a bus down Victoria Rd, so I’ll actually get to uni about the time I intended afterall.

16th August 2008
At work – have to keep track of time to a certain extent. Check time often when getting ready for dinner. At dinner time dinner matter – didn’t look at a clock the entire night until I got home and it was staring me in the face. Had a really good night, in hysterics (laughter) for most of it. Woke up around 4am with nightmares. Read a book for a while, think  I went to sleep again around 5am, 5:30am.

17th August 2008
Slept late, then got up and tidied the house before (a friend) came. Unfortunately was pressured for time as she had to leave for the airport around 2:30pm. Time flies when u’re having fun!

18th August 2008
Generally I find I look at the time when I have to be somewhere on time. So in the morning I might look at the clock up to 8 times. Depending on how long I have may influence decision I make eg. will I make lunch , take something from the freezer or buy it. I can sometimes look at the clock 5 times before getting out of bed! – wishing I had longer to sleep. At the train station I don’t need the time – I look to see when the next train is coming. I don’t regard this as looking at the time – because it is not ‘that particular hour of the day’, but a simple countdown. Then I wait for the bus – don’t need a watch for that either, although I often do look. Looking at the time doesn’t change how long it will take for the train or bus to arrive.
– Worked Monday night – pressure to be at work on time, pressure to fulfill my work requirements in the time set for then causes me to look at the time a lot.

19th August 2008
Spoke with Kim and Andrew today. I felt that my project had run its course and done what it ought, but Kim really encouraged me to continue with it for the rest of the length of the project, and see what came of it. So here I am, having just bought more wire from A&E, and not been able to get the same size as I had previously used. Still working out what to do about that, as it may be a problem with the size of the rings. . .

21st August 2008
Was able to get some 1mm brass wire from Valerie. Have to remember to replace it.

26th August 2008
Discussion of childhood in class

The rest of the diary is planning for the project as already outlined above.

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